October 2010 | the ReFab Diaries

This tutorial for making book page fabric is so fab! Pictured are a table cloth and a little clutch. But imagine the possibilities! Maybe a small waste-paper basket from the slightly-larger pages of a magazine like Real Simple? Or a set of storage bins/cubbies? Gift bags?

I'm not much of a purse person (!) - I tend to have all my stuff in a bag and I carry that same purse until the falls apart.  But I love the aesthetic of this little clutch.  

It's also a great way to craft with scrap leather. I often see brightly colored faux leather jackets in thrift stores. Wouldn't it be cool to turn them into more useful things, like this purse?

Check out the tutorial care of Cheri from I am Momma - Hear me roar guest blogging at A Lemon Squeezy

recycled paper flowers

The very first blog I became devoted to way back when is "How About Orange".  No matter what material she works with, the result is classy! 

Check out Jessica's tutorial for making these wonderful, recycled paper flowers. Great way to upcycle magazine or catalog pages.

upcycled magazine flowers

Picking up a crappy old globe is easy and cheap.  I can see SO many ways to have fun with this upcycle ... especially if you have friends/family around the globe.  This is a recent Design Sponge post.