Integrating Wall Art When Designing Your Eco-Friendly Home | the ReFab Diaries

Embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle extends into every aspect of your home, right down to the wall decor.

Wall art can play a vital role in making your home more eco-friendly. For instance, StickerBrand provides a diverse selection of premium vinyl wall decals, stickers, wallpaper murals, metal art, posters, and canvas art suitable for home decoration.

Adding a splash of wall art will add a bit of color to your home and help you better express yourself.

Plus, it will make your home aesthetically pleasing and mirror your sustainability values.

Here's how to decorate your eco-friendly home with wall art.

What is Wall Art?

Wall art is anything you hang or put on your walls to add personality, color, and visual interest. 

Some of the more classic options include paintings and photographs. Homeowners can also opt for more modern options like tapestries, sculptures, or even decorative objects arranged in a cool way.

The best part? Wall art goes beyond traditional options! 

Vinyl decals are a hot trend in interior design — they're easier and more affordable than hiring an artist. 

Available in various sizes and designs, they are easy to apply to smooth surfaces in your home and can be customized for a personalized touch.

Common Types of Wall Art

Wall art is available in different styles and forms, which makes it a great medium for personal expression and enhancing any living space. 

Each type of wall art has its own unique aesthetic value that can be selected based on the style, mood, and design goals of your space.

Here’s a breakdown of the common types of wall art. 

  1. Wall Decals: Also known as wall stickers, these are thin sheets of vinyl or fabric with an adhesive back. They are easy to apply and remove and come in many designs and sizes. Their easy application and removal process minimizes damage to walls. They are also the most space-saving type of wall art.
  2. Paintings and Prints: These are much more traditional forms of wall decor. They use non-toxic paints on canvases that may be either recycled or sustainably sourced. You can find them in styles ranging from abstract to realistic, like the art I make myself.
  3. Photographs: These can be printed on eco-friendly materials like bamboo, recycled paper, or hemp. Photographs can show nature scenes, cityscapes, or personal snapshots, adding a unique touch to your living space.
  4. Wall Sculptures: Made from materials like metal, wood, ceramic, or mixed media, these artworks are three-dimensional and protrude from the wall. Sculptures can also be made from recycled materials to add an environmentally-friendly flair to your walls.
  5. Tapestries and Textiles: These are crafted from organic cotton, wool, or recycled fabrics. They can transform the ambiance of a space by introducing color and pattern. They are most popular for those looking to create a cozy or vibrant atmosphere.

5 Ways to Decorate Your Eco-Friendly Home With Wall Art

Integrating wall art into your eco-friendly home design is not only about enhancing aesthetics, but also about making conscious choices that align with sustainable living. 

Here are five effective ways to do so:

1. Choose Sustainable Materials

Opt for wall art made from eco-friendly and sustainable materials. Look for items created from recycled materials, renewable resources like bamboo, or upcycled goods like repurposed wood or metal. 

Many wall decals are made from durable and long-lasting materials like vinyl, which means they will not need to be replaced as often as other types. 

This durability can reduce waste and the need for frequent manufacturing of replacement products.

2. Use Multi-Functional Wall Art

Choose wall art that serves multiple purposes to maximize each item in your home. Items that combine form and function will also reduce the amount of clutter in your decor.

For example, a decorative wall-mounted shelf can serve as both an art piece and a storage solution, reducing the need for additional furniture. Beautiful tiles can bring art to a kitchen backsplash.

Similarly, artistic hooks or hangers can add flair to a room while being entirely practical.

3. Utilize Recycled and Natural Art Supplies

Opt for wall art that is made using recycled or natural art supplies. This can include art pieces created with non-toxic paints, recycled paper, or natural dyes. 

By choosing these materials, you minimize the environmental impact of your decor and support the use of sustainable art practices that are less harmful to the planet. 

This approach also promotes a healthier indoor environment, free from the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) commonly found in conventional art supplies.

4. Embrace DIY Wall Art Projects

Making your own art lets you use materials you already have to create something new and unique. For example, you can make a chalkboard from an old frame or a collage from magazine pictures. 

Upcycling old materials and incorporating them into your home decor is a great way to add a personal flair to your walls. Plus, it will help reduce wastage to boot.

5. Implement Nature-Inspired Themes

Selecting wall art that depicts nature can help create a serene and calming environment, enhancing the connection to the earth, which is at the heart of eco-friendly living. 

Artworks that feature landscapes, plants, water scenes, or animal motifs can foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world and encourage a sustainable lifestyle.

Why Use Wall Art When Designing An Eco-Friendly Home?

Using wall art in eco-friendly designs enhances your living space aesthetically and responsibly. 

It makes your space look better and helps you feel more connected to the environment. It also improves your mental well-being by creating a space that feels personal and welcoming. 

Choosing sustainable wall art reduces your impact on the environment and supports green art practices. 
Plus, wall art comes in many forms, like vinyl decals, stickers, murals, metal art, posters, and canvas art, so you can find something that matches your style and supports eco-friendly living.


Decorating your eco-friendly home with wall art goes beyond making your space picture-perfect. It's a chance to tell your sustainability story! 

Every decision you make, from the materials you choose to the brands you support, is a tiny ripple that creates a positive wave for the environment.

By embracing these tips in this guide, you're not just enhancing your living space visually; you can actively contribute to environmental conservation. 

This way, you create a home that's not only beautiful but also a testament to your values and care for our planet. 

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