Board games ... they have their charms. But if your last Monopoly hotel has filed for Chapter 11... or Ms Scarlet has eloped with Ms Peacock (for her money, of course!) and abandoned the game, don't despair ... no need to be Sorry! And no need to toss the whole box in trash! The page above is from the "Premiere" issue of Budget Living (10 years ago?) ... I thought the "board game shelf" was a great idea. I still do. Here are the oh-so tricky instructions given by BL: "To make each shelf, just screw two 4-inch L-brackets into a
wall and attach the board to the brackets using multipurpose cement." Then display! (more ideas after the jump)
Or, turn the old board into a treasure box. The image above once linked to a DIY from Ready Made. Since they no longer have any online presence, here's a replacement DIY.
A lamp? A little off-the-wall but fun, and part of a room makeover! (complete DIY)
Turn the board into a purse!
How about an upcycled bow-tie of wonder?
And don't forget the game pieces. These little boxes are literally made of ticky-tacky. Old monopoly houses/hotels covered in old maps and book pages. I'm charmed.
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