The Ultimate Guide To Cozying Up Your Porch | the ReFab Diaries

I’ve never seen a porch that didn’t have serious cozy potential. So if you’re a people watcher or connoisseur of all things relaxing, a homey porch may just be your new refuge. This guide to cozying up your porch will help you design a porch sanctuary.

The Ultimate Guide To Cozying Up Your Porch

The best thrifting opportunity  

The best part about decorating a porch is that anything goes. With all the pots, garden décor, and other bits and bobs, eclecticism is your friend. There are so many side tables and chairs that just need a protective weather coating to go outside. And porch décor is not limited to strictly garden furnishings.

That rug you saw at the last garage sale but had no excuse to buy is all yours now. And with the never-ending supply of thrifted curtains, you can create your own private getaway in the dryer months. Tapestries are also another attractive way to block some sun rays and add color.

An at-home getaway

Market lights are controversial when it comes to whether they’re out of style, but for me, they’re always a win. The great thing about these twinkling string lights is that they’re LEDs, which help offset carbon emissions and can stay outside in stormy weather. If you’re against adding to your electric bill, stand-alone pillar candles or candle lanterns give off a lovely romantic glow.

For me, no cozy porch is complete without a porch swing. However, I wondered how to avoid harsh plastic or metals that would weather and leave caustic runoff in rain or snow. Wood is the perfect alternative to this conundrum, but an un-vetted seller runs the risk of getting unethically sourced wood. Family-run porch swing sellers are a great alternative to name-brand sellers.



A perfect green dream

Adding greenery is another tip on the ultimate guide to cozying up your porch. While you should always check for toxicity in new plants, especially if you have pets, plenty of beautiful plant additions do well in patio life. For example, lemon balm, mint, and lavender are strong-scented plants that repel unwanted bugs but do not kill them.

Heliotropes, ornamental pepper, and creeping Jenny are just a few outdoor plants that pot beautiful and do well on porches. Heavy pollinators, like gardenias and marigolds, attract wildlife and also do well in shaded outdoor areas. With all those thrifted planters, there’s no end to the mixing and matching that you can do.

Your cozy getaway doesn’t have to break the bank, and it certainly doesn’t need to have a negative impact on the environment. You can thrift your décor, give pollen to the bees, and have your dream porch, all with peace of eco-conscious mind.







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